September 14, 2008

I’m taken for granted …

Filed under: Miscellaneous — J Martin @ 10:01 pm

Ok … it hurts.

But I won’t let myself down into deep depression. I need to straighten up myself. It’s partially my fault because I allowed them to use me as their doormat. Enough is enough, I need to get up and stand tall. Let them see how worthy I am. Let them see who got the power.

I guess next time I need to be careful on choosing new friends. Not everyone of them can be trusted. They can stab me at the back while I am serving them. I have experienced it before. It really hurt but luckily I managed to live on my own and carry on. 

Now it’s showtime …

I want to axe someone …

Filed under: Miscellaneous — J Martin @ 7:40 pm

I used to have this friend. He’s younger than me. From another state. A new convert. Well … I have many times helped him. Little things and big things. Like money problem. He had many times begged me to lend him money. He owes me quite a lot. More than a hundred ringgit. Remained unpaid until today. And until today he’s nowhere to be found. I have tried to call him at many times but he never picked up any of it.

I am not a rich kid. Every cents worth a lot to me. But I am not that selfish. I have had many times spent a lot money for my good friends. And I never asked them to pay me back. For the things I gave them for free … and on my own will …

But sometimes when they ask for it unduly, I will expect them to pay back. Most of my friends understand it. And they will pay me back in time. Yes some of them tend to pay late. But actually I don’t really care, as long as I get my money back. And as long as they value my trust. 

But this fella seems to totally forgets about it. Never heard anything from him since the last time we met. 

This fella and I share quite a lot friends. Mutual friends. I haven’t told my other friends about my problem with this fella. I don’t want to smear this fella beforehand.  

But I guess I need to wait until my patience worn out. Till then, I’ll do whatever necessary to get my money backk …

I am literally a fish …

Filed under: Miscellaneous — J Martin @ 2:16 pm

…. as they said so.

I share birth day with Johnny Cash. This I am a bit proud of. Because he’s famous. Obviously I am not. Many said that people born on the same day share something about their characteristics. Like mutual understandings, or behaviour. And tend to incline to the same object. The inner sides … something deep inside. 

I don’t craze about horoscope. But sometimes I read it, just a matter of curiousity. Sometimes I am quite surprised with what I read, because most of the time it feels as if I am reading about myself. I am not saying that whatever written about horoscope is true, but I think most of it are quite accurate. In my case, especially. I admit it … I can say it’s true about 70% out of me.

I found a site about my horoscope. Well … it’s a sad thing I won’t be able to be a superstar. But at least I am able to mingle so well with people. And able to fluence everyone around me. It’s more than enough already. I still have way to climb up to the top … being respected and well known by many …

So … behold everyone. Here I come to influence you. 😛 …

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